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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
Mamluk Bibliography Online
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1. Gordon, Matthew S.. Review of Twilight of Majesty: The Reigns of Mamlūk Sultans Al-Ashraf Qāytbāy and Qānṣūh al-Ghawrī in Egypt, by Carl F. Petry. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 29, 1 (1995): 86-87.
Subjects: Politics/Individuals--Qaytbay/Individuals--Qansuh al-Ghawri/Foreign relations
2. Gordon, Matthew S.. Review of The Transmission of Knowledge in Medieval Cairo: A Social History of Islamic Education, by Jonathan P. Berkey. Journal of the American Oriental Society 115, (1995): 139-140.
Subjects: Scholarship/Social relations
3. Gordon, Matthew S.. Review of State and Rural Society in Medieval Islam: Sultans, Muqtaʿs, and Fallahun, by Tsugitaka Sato. Journal of the American Oriental Society 121, 1 (2001): 99-101.
Subjects: Economics/Politics
4. Gordon, Matthew S.. Review of Islamic Architecture: Form, Function and Meaning, by Robert Hillenbrand. Journal of World History: Official Journal of the World History Association 8, 2 (1997): 321-323.
Subjects: Architecture



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